how to train for the credit card certification
credit card certification

Do You Want to Certify as a CAPTAIN OF CRUSH?

New Video Uncovers the SECRETS
You Must Know
To Certify
on the #3 Gripper.

Order Your Copy TODAY So You Can
MASTER the right technique, CONQUER the Credit Card Set,
Captain of Crush.

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Dear Fellow Gripper Fan:

Have you hit a brick wall with your gripper training?

Are you struggling to cover that last little bit of distance between the gripper handles?

Are you getting tired of seeing limited improvement, DESPITE all the effort you've put into your gripper training?

You're not alone...

Year in and year out, Gripper sales fly like rockets, but the number of certified Captains of Crush moves at a snail's pace.

Why is it that out of the THOUSANDS of lifters who fall in love with Grippers every year, only a tiny percentage of them reach the pinnacle of Crush Strength.

It ALL comes down to lack of information.

There's never been a trusty guide to show you what you need to know when it comes to credit card set training, the type of set you MUST use to certify with IronMind today.

That's right, all that's separating you from your gripper training goals are these two Extremely Important Keys to Gripper Training:

(1) Proper Wide Set Gripper Technique & (2) Certification-Specific Training Methods

These are the only 2 things that separate you from finally attaining your goal of becoming a certified "Captain of Crush."

It's not Hand Size. It's not Luck. It's not having the right friends.

It's knowledge of how to properly train with your grippers for the heralded IronMind Certification.

Let's look at these two points more closely...
Key #1: Credit Card Set Training Technique

Doesit seem like the gripper never feels comfortable in your hand?

Does it seem like your hand is too small for the Credit Card Set to work for you?

Do you feel like your wasting energy struggling to set the gripper?

Do you wonder if you'll EVER be strong enough to close your gripper the whole way down?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, and you probably said yes to MORE THAN ONE, then your biggest area of improvement is your Technique.

You see, Gripper Training is just like any other form of strength training - you've GOT to have good technique.

If your technique's bad, you can train Grippers as hard as you want but you'll never reach your goals.

And believe it or not, proper Gripper Technique begins with something you probably never considered before - Gripper Placement.

You've GOTTA get this part right if you want to maximize your gripper technique - YOU MUST place the gripper in the correct spot in your hand.

If you don't, your hand's just gonna be fighting against the gripper rather than squeezing it down to the closed position.

There is indeed a "SWEET SPOT" where the gripper needs to go in order to maximize the leverage your fingers can get and the support your thumb can provide.

For instance, most people place the gripper WAY, WAY too far back in their hand.

Then what happens? The fingers have to push the front handle further back than they should, wasting energy, and zapping your strength.

When this happens, the thumb is left out of the equation, unable to do anything to help.

BUT, if you get the placement right, you get the perfect balance of closing power from the fingers and foundational strength from the thumb.

Put those two factors together, and the synergy is amazing.

You won't even believe how much further you'll be able to close your gripper down once you find this sweet spot.
Key #2: Credit Card Set Gripper Training Methods

Once you learn the proper placement and technique for Credit Card Set Training, it's like you're in a race and you just got a 5-second head start.

Once you've got the technique down, then it's just a matter of building your gripper strength and knocking down each gripper in your path on the way to the #3.

That's the second piece of the puzzle: Credit Card Set Gripper Training Methods.

In this video, you'll learn the exact kinds of training methods you need to do.

You see, you can't just do what everyone else is doing.

That's what's going on right now, and that's why almost NO ONE is certifying on the #3.

You've gotta put in the right work in order to get the results you want.

In addition, beginners can't do in their training what seasoned veterans do in theirs.

Beginners need to lay a foundation of strength, condition their hands, and plant the seeds of strength growth that will come.

Doing too much volume too soon can leave you unable to recover, and make your training actually go backwards.

You've gotta train smart, and that means tailoring the training you do to match your current strength and experience levels.

And that's exactly what you'll learn in Operation: Gripper Certification.

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For most Gripper Enthusiasts, understanding Proper Technique/Placement (maximizing your leverage) & the right Training Methods (working within your personal physical parameters) are all you need to be successful.

But we didn't want to just stop there. We wanted to give you even better value for your investment.

So, in Operation: Gripper Certification, you're also gonna learn even more training tips to help you reach your goals even faster.

1. Other Helpful Grip Work

Did you know there's also other types of grip training that will help you build even bigger gripper closing power?

There's even some lifts you can do for your full body strength that bring up your gripper crushing power.

In this section, you'll learn all about these training methods and exercises, and why they contribute so much to a bigger crushing grip.

2. Strengthening the Weak Links in Your Chain

Once you correct your Technique and Placement, you're gonna be blown away by how much deeper you can close your current target gripper.

But did you know that closing big grippers requires more than bone-crushing finger strength?

The truth is that weak thumbs and wrists can hold your gripper training back.

That's because they cause "energy leaks" in your technique.

These "energy leaks" make you less efficient because they allow the gripper shift out of the sweet spot and energy leaks make your hand have to work even harder to close the gripper.

"Energy leaks" also distract you and take your focus away from smashing the gripper.

You'll soon learn about these damaging weak links that compromise your crush, how to fix them and how to make sure all your power goes toward closing the handles together.

3. Developing a Powerful Set

Does it feel like you lose power when you set the gripper or when you position it to swipe the credit card?

Do you end up fumbling around trying to get it into place?

If that's the case, then your set is hurting you more than you know.

Every bit of energy that you burn setting the gripper takes away from the energy you have left for crushing the gripper to the closed position.

In this section, you'll learn how to get complete command over the gripper, the instant you start your set into motion.

And once you master the Power Set, you'll become even more efficient and have more strength left over to mash the gripper shut.

4. Proper Warm-up for Gripper Training

In an on-line survey of over 200 gripper enthusiasts, we learned that one of the biggest areas of confusion around gripper training was the proper way to warm-up for big gripper attempts.

How many lighter attempts should you?

How much is enough?

How do you know if you've done too much?

Should you do anything else, BESIDES a few lighter gripper closes?

There was so much confusion about this subject, that Paul and I decided to include a section dedicated to it.

After all, closing big grippers DEMANDS correct preparation, just like a monster Bench Press or Deadlift.

Once you get this right, you'll waste fewer attempts, you'll have more power in the tank during your training sessions, and you'll know EXACTLY how much to do when it's time to certify with your referee.

5. Wide Set Specialization Training

Now we get into the fun stuff - training with grippers for the credit card set close.

In this section, you'll watch me grill Paul for information.

What were the primary methods he used when he was training to certify on the #3?

What are the best set-and-rep schemes for gripper training?

Are there any methods he DOES NOT recommend?

Are there dangerous drills you should avoid like the plague when it comes to gripper training.

You'll learn all of this and more in this section of the DVD.

6. Live Attempts by Jedd and Paul

Now, the fun begins!

After a quick warm-up, Paul and I take some attempts on some grippers.

It's during these attempts that I successfully closed my first #3 gripper with a credit card set!

I can't fully describe how awesome it felt to crush the handles together on Paul's #3, after so many years of failing.

But, the truth is, it ALL came down to Paul's incredible Gripper Placement Tip, that I told you about above.

I know this ONE LITTLE TIP is gonna be responsible for HUNDREDS of Gripper Guys & Gals closing their current goal gripper for the first time, and I can't wait to hear about how much it helps YOU.

7. Extra Tips To Help You Get Better Faster

Paul's just like me. He loves to over-deliver. So, after going over everything above, we sat down for one more segment and we racked our brains for all the other little Gripper Tips we could think of.

We truly left no stone unturned in this DVD. Anything you could ever possibly want to know about Credit Card Set Training and Wide Set Specialization with Grippers is included in this awesome DVD.

BONUS: 8. Gripper Ratings

There are many different companies that make grippers these days, and all of them use different labeling systems for their series of grippers.

So, it can be tough to tell how two grippers from different companies compare as far as true strength and difficulty to close.

Even when two gripper companies assign their own poundage rating, you can't truly rely on them for an accurate comparison, because you don't know how the numbers were obtained.

For that reason, we stuck this short demonstration of how Grippers are rated at the end of the video so you can see exactly how it's done.

This system allows you to see exactly what kind of poundage each gripper you own has, and how much stronger one gripper is compared to the next in your collection.

Just another weapon for your arsenal in your battle to become certified.

BONUS: 14. The Blooper Reel

When you're filming a DVD with a good friend like Paul, sooner or later, you're gonna screw up, say something silly, or play a joke on the other guy.

And believe it or not, although he keeps to himself most of the time these days, Paul Knight is actually a really great guy.

In fact, he's even quite a jokester.

Throughout the day of filming this DVD, several funny outtakes took place, and all of them were captured in this section of the DVD for you to enjoy.

So there you go - EVERYTHING you need to know in order to be successful in your journey to certify as a Captain of Crush is included in this DVD.

You don't have to worry about the trial and error basis.

You don't have to try to read every article online or scour forums or old magazines for answers.

ALL THE ANSWERS you need are right at your fingertips when you pick up this video TODAY. Just click the button below:

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Don't just take our word for it, that this Video is going to make a dramatic difference for you in your gripper training.

See what others have said about Operation: Gripper Certification.

Below is feedback from members of my Grip Coaching Site, about Operation: Gripper Certification...

Customer Feedback & Reviews

"Seeing Gains for the First Time in a While!"

"Hey Jedd, just wanted to drop you a quick note about your new Operation: Gripper Certification DVD. This is an awesome DVD packed with tons of great info from two of the best in the grip game! I never put much time into credit card sets in my training, and since adding them and using techniques from OP Gripper Cert and CBT, I am seeing gains for the first time in a while. I think the longer R.O.M. may have been the missing variable in my training. Thanks again for another great product and all you do for the grip world."

Chris Andrade

"Armed With All the Info I Need"

"Just a quick note to thank you and Paul Knight for all the information you put in Operation: Gripper Certification...

Everything from setting, the gripper range of motion, recovery, etc is covered in depth in an informative and entertaining manner.

Combining your Crush DVD, this latest release and your CBT course I'm armed with all the info I need for a big close!

Most inportantly, I now know how to progress SAFELY! This is info from two top names in the sport - not some random article written by a charlatan that could end in injury!

Thanks Jedd. I'm all out of excuses after watching Operation Gripper Certification!"

P. Brown

"Will Benefit Beginners & Advanced Trainees"

"Operation: Gripper Certification is PRICELESS! The technique adjustment for the credit card set is demonstrated well; and the alternate method of attaining the proper set width will ensure you are making progress. This DVD will benefit beginners and advanced trainees alike. Much thanks to you and Paul for putting this out there!"

Allen Heineck

"Thanks a Lot, Coach!"

"I like this DVD a lot! I will watch it every few months to remind me of all the little things that are important about closing big grippers. The part most helpful to me was the concept of “Eyeball Parallel” reps, because I also think, that your strength will develop specific to the orientation on the finger handle. The part about set technique and practice is very important too, as well as building a base with reps. All this Information will help me get closer to my goal to become a COC.
Thanks a lot coach!"

Joerg Keilbach

Success with Tiny & Skinny Hands

If you are interested in getting stronger hands and get better at grippers, Jedd Johnson is definitely the man to get coaching from. With gripper training, you need spot-on technique to excel, and that's where Jedd comes in. Not only is he a subject expert in grip strength who competes in grip sports, but he is a great coach who genuinely wants the people he trains to get better.To give you an idea how good he is as a coach - he actually has managed to get my tiny, skinny hands to close the COC #2 easily. I am looking forward to more progress with Jedd with my small hands.

TC Lee (Perth, Western Australia)

BTW, just in case you need to see my small hand, here's the pic:

Future Captain of Crush, You know that IronMind's Gripper Certification is without a doubt the most prestigious gripper cert that's out there.

You also know how hard it is to attain, evidenced by the low numbers of new Captains of Crush each year.


After all these years, there has never been a road map for success to show you exactly what to do in order to vanquish the #3 Gripper, UNTIL NOW.

We know this video will be THE DIFFERENCE MAKER for YOU, just like it has been for the people listed above.

All you have to do is CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW and before you know it you'll see your name "up in lights" as the newest Captain of Crush.

Click Here to Get Your Copy

Paul and I can't wait to hear about it when you SMASH THAT GRIPPER and take your place in history as the next CAPTAIN OF CRUSH.

All the best in your training,

Jedd Johnson
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
2014 North American Grip Sport Champion

Common Questions

Q: I'm new to Grippers - will I understand everything in the DVD?

A: We wanted even the newest of Gripper fans to understand exactly what we were covering, so anytime we use a specialized term, we make sure to explain exactly what it means for you.

Q: Is this information just for Men, or can Women apply it to certify on the #2 and #2.5 as well?

A: Everything Paul and I share in this DVD works for both Men and Women aiming to certify on their respective Grippers. For the Women, that means the #2 and above. For the Men, it means the #3 and up.

Q: I only have a small gripper collection, will I still be able to benefit from your DVD?

A: Absolutely. You DO NOT need a ton of grippers to be successful. You do, however, need to understand proper technique and training methods, and that is what we focus on specifically in this DVD for you.

Q: I do the majority of my training with a gripper with an adjustable spring. Can I still benefit from this information?

A: Yes. If you use your adjustable gripper to train wide sets, such as the credit card set, then it will work for what we show you in this DVD. And if you've ever got a question applying this info to your adjustable gripper, just write me an email and I'm happy to help you out.

Q: When will I receive my copy of Operation: Gripper Certification?

A: I use a printing company that produces and ships each DVD I ship out. When I receive an order, I email them, and they generally ship out the next day. In cases of holidays and weekends, they ship the next business day.

Q: Does getting certified as a Captain of Crush require a lot of work?

A: It's not about working hard, it's about working smart. Now that you have the best information available for certifying as a Captain of Crush, you can eliminate training that is unnecessary and a waste of time, and you can focus solely on what works.

Q: I've been told my small hands mean that I'll never be able to certify on the #3 gripper. Is this true?

A: The fact is if you can close a #1 gripper with a credit card set, then your hands are big enough to close a #3 gripper with a credit card set. You just need to know how to maximize your technique and train the proper way, and that's what our DVD is going to show you. Efficiency is your biggest ally and we'll show you EXACTLY what you need to know for technique, so each attempt you take is as EFFICIENT as possible.

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